What is Patro?


Patro is a matching app specializing in dad activities. We operate this app as a fusion of a dating club and a dad activity app, which is not found in other apps. Talents receive support from supporters and present their own potential, and supporters seek their own healing while supporting the talents of the talent. Yes, it's a modern patron-like relationship.


PATOLO is a matching platform based on the concept of "bringing dad life closer to you than anyone else." We provide a place for male members (supporters) and female members (talents) to meet. Both supporters and talents must undergo an online or in-person screening by a member store (agent) when joining.
For the first time in the industry, social club operators and matching operators will be able to meet many PARTNERs within one platform, transcending the boundaries of their respective companies. Your level will be guaranteed by having an interview with an agent when you join.


Patro's Strengths


Overwhelming number of people registered


Japan's largest dating club, Universe Club, as well as other major dating clubs and dad-hunting app operators are participating. This is literally the largest number of registrations in Japan.


Reasonable usage fee


Dating clubs have solid information, but cost performance is poor.The app is cheap and easy to use, but it's a hassle to meet the other party.At Patro, members can choose who they like on a case-by-case basis.Let this lady send a message herself.Let's get this woman set up by an agent.She doesn't waste money.


Pursuing safety and security


We believe that the most important thing in matching is a secure environment. We reduce the risk of matching with a three-stage filter.


XNUMXst filter: Face-to-face (including online) membership screening and photography
Second Filter: Filter by Report
Third Filter: Publishing Session Feedback


Until now, feedback on encounters has never been made public in Japan. I believe that the golden rule of matching is to always be aware of the other person's needs.


Full screen video interface


It is a style interface that allows you to watch short videos one after another, as represented by TikTok.It's like your partner introduces himself in front of you every XNUMX seconds.Have you ever seen the same person in the matching app images?Naturally, there are ten people and ten colors.Your intuition will respond to three-dimensional information including audio, not still images.